I love FALL! I only wish Florida had more of a season than just HOT.....I wish for trees swaying, cool evenings and cool mornings. I wish we had leaves that turned colors. I wish, I wish, I wish......
I'll have to settle for decorating my yard and my kitchen bar though for Fall, cause we all know Florida just doesn't change seasons very well. Since I had today off from work and my kids were with my in-laws, I decided to take advantage of the quiet time and put a few of my Fall decorations out and get to work on a few projects that I wanted to do.
Here's a look at a sample of my Fall decorations.....I have some more stuff out in the dump, errr...shed that I need to go dig through and get out for the house!
Pumpkin with my salt and pepper shakers on the table along with my fall placemats.

I'm not sure about this pumpkin inside the bird cage, but, until I find somewhere else for it, that's where it's going.

A small display on my kitchen bar. 
I have been inspired recently by so many of your talents, and I decided to see just how crafty I really am. I bought these two items to use.....

I have all "rustic" colored hardware in my kitchen (and in the boys bathrooms). I wanted my kitchen to have that antique feel, so I have a salt/pepper colored countertop and the rustic looking faucets, handles, knobs, etc. I thought the color of the spray paint would match that, so I bought the brown, hammered finish to give my items texture.
My sister-in-law gave me this old gold platter that I LOVED, and I thought maybe I could spray paint around the edges and then chalkboard the center of it.

Once I got it spray painted, I loved it so much, I didn't want to chalkboard it. I decided to hang it in Carter's bathroom on the wall! It will be PERFECT in there, because the color matches the hardware! If you look really close at the picture, you can see a scrollwork design on the center of the platter.

Once that project was complete, I couldn't very well let the chalkboard paint feel left out, so I went in search through the house of SOMETHING I could use the chalkboard paint on. I found these two picture frames.

I'm not really into the gold picture frame (I'm more of a wood or rustic frame kind of girl), so I thought I could spray paint the frame of it and then my plan is to put it in Carter's bathroom with one of his baby pictures in it. (can you tell that poor Carter doesn't have many decorations in his bathroom? Actually, he has none, but that's another story for another day).
Here's how the gold frame turned out.....pretty cute huh? Now I have to dig through TONS of pictures in my craft room to find one of Carter to put in it. I want the one that many children have done of them in the old washtub with the rubber duckie next to it and towels, lotion, etc. Nolan has one in his bathroom and it's too cute!

The wood frame was the one I was MOST excited about! I had BIG plans for it! As you can see, it was just a plain old wooden frame. I never have pictures that are 3.5 size, so I decided that if it didn't turn out as I had imagined, it would be fine. No harm done.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE how it turned out! What do you think? I just spray painted the edges of it and then used my chalkboard paint on the glass part.

It adds a little to my Fall decorations, don't you think? When the next season comes I'll simply change what it says with colored chalk of course!! I can't wait to write Jesus is the Reason on it...or Happy Birthday...or whatever my heart desires!

Now that I have these few items under my belt, I'm constantly in search of items I can spray paint or chalkboard. Keep your eyes out for me! OH--and HAPPY FALL Y'ALL!