Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In the SWAMP!

Saturdays in the South are of course, reserved for football. We're no exception here in Gainesville, home of the GATORS!! (the BEST team in the SEC!!) Whoop-Whoop!

This past Saturday marked one of the biggest games of all season (other than Florida-Georgia). It was Florida-Tennessee. What this past Saturday also marked was the chance to catch up with some old friends and meet a few "celebrities" along the way.....

My good friend, Lauren, and her husband Doug, traveled in from Atlanta for the big game! They met us at our tailgate where we were able to yell at each other over the loud music and tons of people. We had a great time catching up! Miss you already Lauren!!

Normally our tailgate is fun, but not very crowded. This weekend was BOTH!

The tailgate hosts had the 1998 National Championship Women's Soccer Team and Coach Becky Burleigh join us for some great food, good music, and Gator chompin'!

Not to be outdone, guess who came walkin' by on the sidewalk next to our tailgate????.......Joakim Noah!!! Apparently he knew some of the girls from our tailgate, so that of course, drew them to him, and then a small crowd gathered, neither of which affected Lauren and I as we pushed our way through to get a picture with him! Let me just tell you now--this dude is TALL. You see this picture below? I am on my extreme tippie toes and he's STILL that much taller than me!

We do not know this girl on the left, but we couldn't get her to move out of the picture......

Moving on towards the stadium, we stopped to wait on another set of our friends since they were using 2 of our tickets and guess who got out of his car right in front of us??? The Governor. I asked Cecil if he was good to farmers and Cecil said "yeah, he does alright..." Guess that means we like him. Good ole' Charlie Crist.

Once we got into the stadium and sat down in the blazing HEAT and I do mean HEAT--it was great to get ready to see the Gators play!! Our good friends Danny and Tatum were able to travel in for the game as well--We're excited that they are moving back to Florida! Not only are they moving back to Florida, but moving closer to one of my favorite places on earth! You'll have to guess where that is......(I'll give you a hint...the initials are DW). We had fun you guys!

Guess y'all already know who won, right? GO GATORS!! I will admit I was a little nervous there for a little bit, but they pulled it off. I sure wasn't pretty, but a win is a win!



  1. Looks like you had a great time! Go Gators! ('da Boys choked it this week so I'll be happy for you!)

  2. You are the most fun! I have never tailgated. Ever. Aren't you sad for me? me too.

  3. We watched that game! Ya'll must have sooo much fun, don't ya just love football season!

  4. stop it. thats the neatest! and woah, is Noah TALL!!!!!

  5. Well, wow! Y'all did see everybody. Looks like a good time! Though, I gotta say we are not Crist fans at our house, but the other "sightings" are cool.

  6. Great time I can tell!! Don't you just love those times when you can make such special memories??


  7. J. Noah must have been making his rounds b/c I saw where he and Corey Brewer had some pics taken with other people also. That's nice they'd take the time to do that. Charon, that question you asked Cecil about whether Crist was good to the farmers cracked me up...


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