Y'all questioning the title of this post? All my friends know I refer to Atlanta as "The A-T-L." I don't know why. I just do. My other choice of words for The ATL is Hotlanta. Don't ask.
(Note: this post should have been done last week but with all the goings on, I didn't have time to post it!) (Additional side note: This post is long with LOTS of pictures!)
The first weekend in December the Gators were headed to The ATL for the SEC Championship game. We were so excited to be going in hopes that we'd be heading to Pasadena for the National Championship game in January. My brother-in-law had so graciously agreed to fly the hubby and I, along with himself, FIRST-CLASS, to Pasadena for the big game, as a Christmas gift (if the Gators won the SEC game).
On the Friday before the game, I got up and went to work since we hadn't planned to leave until noon(ish). That was at least 4 hours of work for me since I'm at work by 6:30AM each day.
The brother-in-law and the in-laws were to meet us where I work and leave one vehicle there and combine us all into 2 vehicles. Yes, "us". There was my family of 4, plus a babysitter, my brother-in-law and the mother and father in-law; not to mention luggage, pillows, toys, snacks, etc. etc. etc. We looked like the Griswold's heading into the wild unknown.
In our vehicle was the hubby, me, the oldest boy, the babysitter, and my brother-in-law. In the other vehicle was my in-laws and the youngest boy (in hopes that he would take a nap on the way there in his car seat which did NOT happen because my kids have NEVER slept in the car).
About 2 or 3 hours into the trip, we had to take a break for snacks. Heaven forbid we eat what I packed us. It didn't contain near enough sugar. The hubby and the brother in law chose a 6 pack. Not that kind of 6-pack. A 6-pack of GooGoo Clusters. (insert ew, gross here). Not my favorite, but to each their own.

And I, I took the path less traveled, and that has made all the difference......OH, WAIT. That's from a book, sorry--I, I bought the best thing since sliced bread. Or hair paste. Whichever one you like best. I'm going with hair paste. I figure I live in a circus, so I need circus peanuts. Yes, I like them. And they're orange. It was a good sign (or so I thought at the time).

This little booger refused to be seen at all, much less seen with his snack.....

Another few hours and we were hitting The A-T-L. Right at 5:10. On a Friday. Great. sigh. Everyone get comfy. We'll be in the car a while!

Since my brother in law previously lived in Atlanta, and he was the only one that knew where we were heading as far as the hotel went, we decided to let him drive the last leg of the trip. Even though it was 5:00 on a Friday in ATL, we made EXCELLENT time.....he says it's because we were going in, not coming out. I don't care if we were going over, under or around--I was happy we made it through........

We got there in one piece (to the hotel that is) and then went to eat dinner, etc. etc. etc. After dinner, we walked around the mall that was directly next to the hotel we were staying at (which happened to be the hotel across the street from the Alabama band!) We saw Santa at the mall and I (of course) seized the opportunity to have the boys picture made with him! The lady told me I was allowed to take up to 3 pictures outside the gate--thank the Lord for a zoom lens! I think these turned out better and were WAY cheaper than the ones they would have taken!

The next day, the whole crew got up and ready for breakfast......Patricia, the babysitter, who has watched the boys since Nolan was born. They love her and she loves them. Works out "right nice". We took her along to watch the boys while we were at the game.

After breakfast, we had a little time to kill, so we rode around for a bit and went to some stores and just piddled around. My father in law wanted to look at the Chevrolet dealership at the new Camaro (sp?), so we stopped in there, and look who we saw!!!! SANTA! Supposedly, this picture will be in some sort of magazine in January.....we'll see.

Back to the hotel so the main crew (that's me and the hubby, the brother in law and the in-laws) could get ready to go to the game. Here's me and Carter before we left.....all I can think when I look at this picture is that I think I was about to bust out laughing hence the big smile and MAN! I sure was having a good hair day!

Y'all. We had to use public transportation. I'm taking a deep breath here, because I DO NOT DO PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. Not to say I'm too good for it, cause I had to use it that day, but I just don't like it. You know those people with shifty eyes, that was me--looking to be shot at any point on Marta. I shudder at the thought of that ride......ugh.

(a side insert here).......while we were at the game, Patricia, took the boys to the hotel restaurant for dinner and a mini-birthday party. I made cupcakes and we took candles, and the whole nine yards for them to have something to do while we were gone...she snapped this picture of them.......how cute!

We got to the game (finally) and look who we sat by....well, not exactly "by" them, but they were next to us. Can you tell who that is??? Any die hard Gator fan will know, right off the bat! It's Tim Tebow's parents. I resisted the urge to go over and tell them what a fantastic son they have and how much I think of him (blushing, hee-hee).....you're surprised at that aren't you? (the me not going over to them part, not the blushing part)

Look who else was at the game to support his former team.......Emmett Smith.....

Getting ready for the game to begin.....

Well, you all know the outcome of the game by now (sniff, sniff). Even though it was a sad loss and a hard one, we had a great time, and I STILL LOVE ME SOME TIM TEBOW!!!