Wedding bells rang last Friday evening as hubby's cousin Jennifer was married to her beau, Matthew! They are so good for one another and are SO HAPPY together!
We were so humbled when they asked the boys to be a part of their wedding by joining the bridal party and really had a great time with it! Hubby was a groomsman and both my boys carried signs down the aisle.
I don't have many pictures (I know, I know).....but we had an absolute blast at the reception! We danced the night away until about 11:00pm (the wedding was at 5:00, and was finished by 5:20, so that is A LOT OF DANCING). My muscles hurt all over the next day! HA!
Congratulations Jennifer and Matthew! We love y'all very much!
Fit at 50 Update | (Weeks 9 & 10)
1 day ago
You and your handsome boys look great in that last pic!