Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas at Mimi’s and Grandaddy’s

I’m sure you recall from last year, that we have 5 different Christmas “sessions”.  We have the great-grandparents’ Christmas to celebrate, and there are 2 of those, my brother and Dad, our immediate family Christmas, and then my in-laws Christmas.  Whew!  Before all is said and done, we’re exhausted from all the activity!

This year, “Part I” was to celebrate with Cecil’s grandmother in Alachua and that side of the family.  We don’t do a gift exchange there anymore, instead we choose to just enjoy the season by gathering for dinner at Grandma’s house and catching up with each other.  Sad to say that I don’t believe I took one single picture there.

Part II was CHRISTMAS at MIMI’S and GRANDADDY’S.  This is my in-laws……it’s a safe bet to assume that the kids are going to be SPOILED. ROTTEN.

We always do a nice gift exchange and then have a delicious meal!

And when I say “gift exchange” I mean more like we all bought out the stores and this is what it looks like!  We’re talking iPads, iPods, cookbooks, clothing, guitars, bicycles, Garmins, gift cards, coupon holders, CDs, books, music, Wii Fit Plus, and SO MUCH MORE!!!

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Grandaddy sure did rack up this year!

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Everyone has to have new GATOR clothing!
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Carter opening his new DVD player…..

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Jenni (Edward’s girlfriend) got an iPad!  SCORE!

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Bass Pro Shop games….

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Carter desperately wanted a new “buckle belt” as he calls them.  You know, like a real COWBOY BULL RIDER.  My oh my.  As if there were any DOUBT in my mind…Carter’s Mimi pulled through for him and not only got him a new buckle belt, but new Cinch jeans, and a new Cinch shirt as well.  Merciful heavens.

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New dress shirts for the “big boys”.

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Uncle Edward and Jenni pulled through with an awesome gift NIGHT VISION GOGGLES for the boys.  OH dear.

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Mimi was beside herself about her new Nikon binoculars!

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And I got the treasured PIONEER WOMAN COOKBOOK!!!

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And I’m LOVING my new coupon holder that Edward and Jenni got me too!

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Edward’s TREASURE gift was a new iPod Touch!!!

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and last but NOT least of all, new BIKES for the little boys!
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Jenni even got in on some of the go-kart action!
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This about wraps up our Part II Christmas…stay tuned as there is MORE TO COME with 3 other Christmases and another family celebration!



  1. Holy cow! That's a lot of presents under that tree.

    You know what I'd pick out of all that? The nice weather you had outside!! We are FREEZING here with the below zero weather!

  2. I got the Pioneer Woman Cookbook also! I LOVE, LOVE , LOVE her blog! Her recipes are what I refer to as "nutritious, but NOT healthy" - but oh so good!

  3. And you say my kids are spoiled??????? SHEESH!!! LOLOL I'm glad you had a Merry Christmas!
    Shelby got a "buckle belt" too. With 2 buckles. (can I get a "Lawd Help Me" please?) It's a Nacona Zebra print belt... I swear every time I see it, I think of the song, "Rhinestone Cowboy" LOL


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