Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Family Gathering

Y’all thought I was through posting about Christmas didn’t you?  HA!  GOTCHA!  Nope, not yet!  Soon though, I promise!

On Monday night (2 days after Christmas), my Uncle and Aunt, who live about 25 minutes from us, and their 2 children came over for dinner.  Even though they live so close, I don’t see them very often.  I saw my Aunt and cousins over the summer at the beach, but it had been (sad to say) a few years, yes YEARS since I had seen my Uncle. 

For those that knew my Mama you’ll see the resemblance between she and her brother!

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Me and my cousins, Wesley & Brooke

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Anyhow, they came over and we had a GREAT time together just eating, talking, laughing, and watching the kids play!

Uncle Tommy & Cecil

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None of us wanted the “traditional” Christmas menu, so we decided on deer meat, rice n gravy, and peas.

Uncle T & Cecil cooking the meat!

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Let me tell y’all.  I don’t think I’ve EVER had gravy THIS GOOD!  Just looking at this picture again makes my mouth water!

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YUM.  My Aunt Patty (if she’s reading this) will LOVE this picture!

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Y’all.  There was so much eatin’ and talkin’ and playin’ going on that night that we drank EIGHT pitchers of sweet tea.  Ordinarily, it takes my family weeks to go through that much, but EIGHT pitchers were consumed that night!  WHEW!

Aunt Tracey slicing onions for the gravy.

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Our kids had a GREAT time playing together!

There was football…..
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Piggy back ridin’…….

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Hide N Go Seekin’……..

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A little bit of resting…….

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Some sweet readin’ by the big cousins to the little cousins.  And I. LOVE. THIS. PICTURE.

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And this last series of pictures is probably one of my favorites of all time.  My youngest boy, Carter, is into bull riding and roping right now.  My Uncle used to do rodeo stuff so he was giving Carter some roping lessons.  This is priceless and it makes me miss my sweet Mama so much it hurts.  I want her to see her brother interacting with her grandson……

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On a much lighter note, my family is KNOWN for pulling pranks on each other.  Y’all.  We have done some CRAZY things before such as swim in a freezing pool on Christmas Day, write notes on our favorite food that says “Yuck, no good” just so someone else would not eat it, and this night was NO EXCEPTION!  My hubby and my Uncle decided to take one of our mounted deer and pose with it, then text it to my other Uncle so he would think they killed a deer.  (rolling my eyes and muttering “men” right about now)….

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This is my Aunt T & I outside as the men were preparing their prank!

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The prank worked for all of 20 seconds.  HA!  It sure was funny though.

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I love my family so much and we had such an AWESOME time with them!  Love y’all!



  1. Tommy never changes...(-:
    I havn't seen them in years, the kids are getting soooo big1

  2. I love that prank. I am going to tell my hubby about that one so he can pull it on someone.

  3. So...I am cracking up over the deer...HA!!


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